Changelog for Digits WordPress Plugin

10 July 20248.4.3

  • Improved
    Improved phone verification on checkout page compatibility in some themes
  • Improved
    Admin cannot chnage its own status
  • Improved
    Email deny filter list update
  • Fixed
    Resent working in some cases before timer
  • Fixed
    Apple login fix for php 8.3+
  • Fixed
    Security key support for php 8.3+
  • Fixed
    Country code dropdown not opening in some themes
  • Fixed
    Builder giving fatal error when digits not installed
  • Fixed
    reCaptcha not working with builder addon

22 February 20248.4.2

  • Improved
    Nonce verification when saving settings
  • Improved
    MIMSMS gateway update
  • Fixed
    Fatal error in custom gateway when sending object in body parameters

30 January 20248.4.1

  • Improved
    Telesign Gateway integration
  • Improved
    TurboSMSbd Gateway integration
  • Improved
    Country code detection in billing phone field
  • Fixed
    Releans API integration
  • Fixed
    Duplicate OTP field on continuing with empty OTP field
  • Fixed
    Radio input logic not working
  • Fixed
    Emtpy form being shown when only phone number is allowed in One Click

27 January 20248.4

  • New
    WhatsApp OTP support in Signup Forms
  • New
    Custom WhatsApp Gateway API integration support
  • New
    Octopush SMS gateway integration
  • New
    World-Text SMS gateway integration
  • New
    Truedialog SMS gateway integration
  • New
    SMS Eagle SMS gateway integration
  • New
    DirectSMS SMS gateway integration
  • New
    Dexatel SMS gateway integration
  • New
    SMSTech SMS gateway integration
  • New
    Authkey SMS gateway integration
  • New
    NextSMS SMS gateway integration
  • New
    Dinahosting SMS gateway integration
  • New
    MobTexting SMS gateway integration
  • New
    Wati WhatsApp gateway integration
  • New
    Interakt WhatsApp gateway integration
  • New
    Kalyera WhatsApp gateway integration
  • New
    Damcorp WhatsApp gateway integration
  • New
    Wa Team WhatsApp gateway integration
  • New
    Chat API WhatsApp gateway integration
  • New
    360Dialog WhatsApp gateway integration
  • New
    Msg91 WhatsApp gateway integration
  • New
    Spoki WhatsApp gateway integration
  • New
    Country Code support in WC shipping phone field
  • Improved
    Improved old Account migration working
  • Fixed
    File upload field not working in some sites
  • Fixed
    File upload field files not being shown in admin panel
  • Fixed
    Forward slash getting added in message templates in some sites
  • Fixed
    Conflict with socil login addon with some gateways

04 October 20238.3.3

  • Improved
    Support for Copy OTP button in WhatsApp Template
  • Improved
    MimSMS Integration
  • Improved
    Country code detector in WC billing field on checkout
  • Improved
    Redirection to wp-login.php based on user login state
  • Fixed
    2factor gateway OTP not working in some sites
  • Fixed
    Country code coming twice in WC billing field on backend
  • Fixed
    Signup not getting disabled due to 3rd party conflict in some sites
  • Fixed
    PHP warning in digits when WP cron job is running
  • Fixed
    Apple login not working with PHP version 8.0.2
  • Fixed
    JS error in email filter
  • Fixed
    Domain not adding in allow/deny list
  • Fixed
    Contain condition not working with select fields
  • Fixed
    PHP warning in builder login widget
  • Fixed
    Default page settings not working
  • Fixed
    Showing empty registration form when only Phone Number is allowed

25 July 20238.3.2

  • Improved
    Skip OTP verification on WC checkout
  • Fixed
    OTP getting trigger in checkout when WC terms are not accepted
  • Fixed
    Login Now button coming in Registration Form in Builder
  • Fixed
    Emtpy registration form being shown when only phone is allowed in One Click Addon

9 July 20238.3.1

  • Improved
    Improved translations
  • Improved
    Digimiles Gateway integration
  • Fixed
    reCaptcha v3 issues
  • Fixed
    HTML field stripping HTML tags
  • Fixed
    Logic not working in some cases with checkbox
  • Fixed
    Email field coming twice when option in One-Click

13 June 20238.3

  • New
    Phone and Email Verification badge in User Edit Page for admin
  • New
    Peak eye button in Password Field
  • New
    New Seamless Phone Number verification on WooCommerce Checkout
  • New
    Child theme support for emai templates
  • New
    Aliyun SMS Gateway integration
  • New
    QuickSMS SMS Gateway integration
  • New SMS Gateway integration
  • New SMS Gateway integration
  • New SMS Gateway integration
  • New
    Fast2SMS SMS Gateway integration
  • New
    Telebor Pakistan SMS Gateway integration
  • New
    Sendlime SMS Gateway integration
  • New
    SMS Connexion SMS Gateway integration
  • New
    Afilnet SMS Gateway integration
  • New
    Textdrip SMS Gateway integration
  • New
    Tencent Cloud SMS Gateway integration
  • New
    Enablex SMS Gateway integration
  • New
    Trumpia SMS Gateway integration
  • Improved
    Buddypress and Buddyboss phone fields now works according to Digits settings
  • Improved
    Keyboard input support in color picker
  • Improved
    RTL support
  • Fixed
    Guest checkout phone verification not working
  • Fixed
    OTP hint icon position fixed in RTL
  • Fixed
    Border radius in country flag
  • Fixed issue
  • Fixed
    "Resend" string not translatable
  • Fixed
    Remember Me not working in Social Login
  • Fixed
    UI elements overflow in Country Based Gatewagy
  • Fixed
    Email gateway selector conflict issues in some cases

17 May 20238.2.1

  • Improved
    CheckoutWC compatibility
  • Improved
    SMSMISR gateway update
  • Fixed
    Invalid OTP issue because of IP
  • Fixed
    Forgot Password showing invalid data in some cases
  • Fixed
    Redirection not working with embedded forms with some themes
  • Fixed
    File upload not working with new forms
  • Fixed
    Admin not being able to change the phone number of other user from backend
  • Fixed
    Remember me not working in same cases
  • Fixed
    Logout not working from admin menu in rare cases
  • Fixed
    Email not being collected from Google social login in some cases
  • Fixed
    Social login field CSS conflic issue with country based gateway
  • Fixed
    Apple login not working in Safari Browser
  • Fixed
    Apple and Microsoft Social login not working with page lock addon

29 April 20238.2

  • New
    Block login for unverified email users
  • New
    User email verification status in user edit page
  • New
    Msg91 WhatsApp Business API integration
  • New
    Option to change email header logo from settings itself
  • New
    Translation support in emails
  • New
    OneClick compatibility with 3rd party forms
  • New
    Account status notification via email
  • Improved
    Language translations
  • Fixed
    Country code field not coming in add user page backend
  • Fixed
    ESMS.VN gateway issues
  • Fixed
    WooCommerce form phone field tag for autofill
  • Fixed
    Issues related to password field on WC checkout
  • Fixed
    Invalid OTP issues in rare cases
  • Fixed
    Conflicts with 3rd party using select2
  • Fixed
    Simple captcha styling in login form
  • Fixed
    Resume configuration wizard notice not dismissing
  • Fixed
    Social login not working in some cases
  • Fixed
    Fast2SMS gateway issues
  • Fixed
    Malware false positive in file settings.min.js

31 March 20238.1.1

  • Improved
    Theme editor access
  • Improved
    ESMS.VN api update
  • Fixed
    Default country code not working in signup
  • Fixed
    Label not coming in phone and email field when both are required
  • Fixed
    Custom font not working in some cases
  • Fixed
    Date picker not working in some cases
  • Fixed
    php error warnings

29 March 20238.1

  • New
    Option to turn off on Email Verification on Signup
  • New
    Option to disable brute-force protection
  • New
    Numeric keyboard for phone field
  • Improved
    Brute-force detection
  • Fixed
    Custom redirection not working in embedded forms
  • Fixed
    Username taking random characters in some instances

29 March 20238.0.6

  • Fixed
    Page redirecting to https://-2
  • Fixed
    Phone login not working on wp-login.php

25 March 20238.0.5

  • Fixed
    Logo overflowing on native login and signup page
  • Fixed
    Priority given to password instead of OTP in login forms
  • Fixed
    Field sort issue due to empty space in string

23 March 20238.0.4

  • Fixed
    Logo in email cropping
  • Fixed
    Next button not working on Onboarding Wizard
  • Fixed
    Forgot Password translation issue
  • Fixed
    Graph data not coming in some cases
  • Fixed
    Page lock modal not working
  • Fixed
    Country Name coming in country field
  • Fixed
    Username generation from email using full email

21 March 20238.0.3

  • Fixed
    Signup fields not showing up in some sites

19 March 20238.0.2

  • Fixed
    Auto save not working for some sites
  • Fixed
    Duplicate registration fields in signup form

17 March 20238.0.1

  • Fixed
    Addons not downloading

15 March 20238.0

Warning: the changelog for this update might be shorter than your attention span. We were so busy perfecting the plugin that we might have missed a few things. But hey, who needs a complete list of features when you can just press all the buttons and see what happens?
  • New
    All New Settings Page
  • New
    All New Login and Signup Page
  • New
    Dark and Light Mode support for Native Login/Signup Pages
  • New
    Onboarding Wizard
  • New
    2-Factor Authentication and 3-Factor Authentication Support
  • New
    Login/Signup using Email OTP
  • New
    Login/Signup using Email Magic Link
  • New
    Theme editor tool to integrate popup form buttons visually
  • New
    Cross type login (eg. enter email and get OTP on phone)
  • New
    Email Verification for New Users
  • New
    Google Auth or Similar Support (TOTP)
  • New
    Hardware based security key Support
  • New
    iOS, Android, MacOS, Windows Device Biometrics (WebAuthn) Support
  • New
    Login/Signup with Remote Phone Device using QR
  • New
    Dynamic Login and Signup Redirection
  • New
    Phone Number verification on WooCommerce Checkout Page based on Payment Gateway
  • New
    Login/Signup Data and Graphs
  • New
    SMS, WhatsApp, Email Logs
  • New
    Allow user account creation without OTP verification
  • New
    Multi-step Signup Forms
  • New
    Heading section additional field
  • New
    Option to chose which authentication to use at any specific step
  • New
    User/Userrole based login 2FA/3FA options
  • New
    Google reCaptcha v2 and v3 support
  • New
    Option to rename "OTP" term to something else
  • New
    Gateway based re-send time
  • New
    WPMail, SendGrid, MailGun Support
  • New
    Frontend Account Security Dashboard
  • New
    Option to send OTP immediately when Next Button is Clicked
  • New
    Country and State fields now sync with WooCommerce
  • New
    Option to whitelist IP in brute force protection
  • New
    Option to hide /wp-login.php page
  • New
    Option to disable login from all 3rd party forms and just use Digits secure forms
  • New
    Option to go to previous step in signup and login forms
  • New
    WP Block support for forms
  • New
    Auto-detect OTP for both Android and iOS
  • New
    Defer support for Firebase
  • New
    Settings will now Auto-save
  • New
    Phone number column in users page
  • New
    Country codes now include Country Flags
  • New
    Option to use Google Fonts
  • New
    WC Billing Phone now syncs with Digits Phone field
  • New
    CheckoutWC compatibility
  • New
    Buddyboss Compatibility
  • New
    Msg91 WhatsApp Gateway Integration
  • New
    Wati WhatsAPp Gateway Integration
  • New
    Afilnet SMS Gateway Integration
  • New
    SMSala SMS Gateway Integration
  • New
    Spoki SMS Gateway Integration
  • New SMS Gateway Integration
  • New
    Aliyun SMS Gateway Integration
  • New SMS Gateway Integration
  • New
    Account Approval/Rejection/Disabled Email Notification
  • New
    Separate page redirection based on login and signup action
  • New
    As for Signup Fields if user is not registered
  • New
    Facebook Social Login (with one tap support)
  • New
    Twitter Social Login
  • New
    Google Social Login (with one tap support)
  • New
    Apple Social Login
  • New
    Microsoft Social Login
  • New
    Discord Social Login
  • New
    WordPress Social Login
  • New
    Github Social Login
  • New
    LinkedIn Social Login
  • New
    Yahoo Social Login
  • New
    Atlassian Social Login
  • New
    Twitch Social Login
  • New
    Gitlab Social Login
  • New
    Bitbucket Social Login
  • New
    Reddit Social Login
  • Improved
    Reduced DOM loading
  • Improved
    Improved Performance
  • Improved
    Session and Cache Management
  • Improved
    Country Code detection
  • Improved
    Signup fields sorting
  • Improved
    WhatsApp Cloud API Updated
  • Improved
    Brute force protection
  • Improved
    Raw URL encoding in custom gateway
  • Improved
    Improved error messages
  • Improved
    Phone number field
  • Improved
    Amazon SNS and Pinpoint Gateway integration
  • Improved
    Updated Email Filter List
  • Fixed
    Telnyx not working
  • Fixed
    Woocommerce cart php warning
  • Fixed
    Firebase resend not working in some cases on WC Account Page
  • Fixed
    Send immediately not working
  • Fixed
    Back button not working after requesting OTP
  • Fixed
    Cache not working due to cookie being set by server on first page load
  • Fixed
    Option to generate username using phone with 0

16 February 2023 7.9.5

  • Improved
    Gupshup API update
  • Improved API update
  • Improved
    OurSMS API update
  • Improved API update
  • Improved
    2Factor API update
  • Fixed
    Warning in Customer Search on WooCommerce Order Page
  • Fixed
    Reset Password not working in non-primary custom forms

13 November 2022 7.9.4

  • Improved
    OTP brute force protection
  • Fixed
    Wati WhatsApp API update
  • Fixed
    WhatsApp Cloud API template update

15 August 2022 Version 7.9.3

  • Improved
    Removed deprecated API of elementor
  • Improved
    Login/Signup redirection priority
  • Improved
    Optimized library loading in Additional Gateways
  • Improved
    Disabled indexing for poorly configured servers
  • Improved
    Buddypress compatibility with some themes
  • Improved
    Phone number formatting
  • Improved
    Redirection after signup when using Approval addon
  • Fixed
    360dialog not working in login via WhatsApp in rare cases
  • Fixed
    d7networks not working
  • Fixed
    Phone field not working in WC edit account page
  • Fixed
    Text overlapping checkbox in RTL
  • Fixed
    Redirection issues in form shortcodes
  • Fixed
    RedSMS not working in Linux systems
  • Fixed
    Skebby gatway not working in some cases
  • Fixed
    Digits builder presets not loading in some sites

11 April 2022 Version 7.9.2

  • Improved
    Browser autofill support
  • Improved
    Username generation
  • Improved gateway integration
  • Improved
    WooCommerce Compatibility
  • Fixed
    Buddyboss/bbpress phone field not working in account page
  • Fixed
    Login with pass redirecting to homepage instead of smart redirect
  • Fixed
    Username generation with "+"" not working
  • Fixed
    Allowlist priority over denylist in country
  • Fixed
    Phone field autofill issue on WooCommerce page
  • Fixed
    Infinite loading with OurSMS gateway
  • Fixed
    Password label coming in WooCommerce page on OTP field
  • Fixed
    Remember me not working with OTP Login in some cases
  • Fixed
    Email field getting replaced with phone in a few themes
  • Fixed
    Gupshup WhatsApp not working
  • Fixed
    Redirect not working with some sites, forbidden error
  • Fixed
    Tab key not working in countrycode
  • Fixed
    Resend Issue with Firebase
  • Fixed
    send_otp endpoint not working in Rest Api with One click

25 January 2022 Version 7.9.1

  • Improved
    Better WhatsApp Template support
  • Improved
    Gupshup WhatsApp integration
  • Improved
    JazzCMT gateway integration
  • Improved gateway integration
  • Improved
    Branded SMS Pakistan integration
  • Improved
    SMSCountry gateway unicode support
  • Improved
    From support in
  • Improved
    Break line support in message template
  • Fixed
    Issues related to 360Dialog gateway
  • Fixed
    Issues with gateway
  • Fixed
    Auto generated password not showing up in email when account created from WC Checkout

27 November 2021 Version 7.9

  • New
    Option to Merge & sync billing phone and account number always
  • New
    360Dialog WhatsApp Gateway
  • New SMS Gateway
  • New SMS Gateway
  • New SMS Gateway
  • New
    GlobeLabs SMS Gateway
  • New SMS Gateway
  • Improved
    Country code field is not numbers only
  • Improved SMS Gateway integration
  • Improved
    Firebase integration
  • Improved
    Auto redirection after login and signup
  • Fixed
    Some RTL issues
  • Fixed
    Forgot Password link fix in email
  • Fixed
    Strong password not working in digits password reset form
  • Fixed
    Password not being included in New Account email
  • Fixed
    Issues with SMSFactor gateway
  • Fixed
    Checkbox value not getting saved in rare cases
  • Fixed
    Not able to change account number from WC's My Account page in rare cases
  • Fixed
    Save changes not working on WC's My Account page if merge addon is enabled

8 October 2021 Version 7.8.1

  • Improved
    Foxglove Gateway API Update
  • Improved
    Kalyera settings
  • Improved
    Allow theme to overwrite our font
  • Fixed
    Username generation not working with addon
  • Fixed
    Elementor overwrite issue
  • Fixed
    Styling issues in settings
  • Fixed
    Esendex gateway issue

22 July 2021 Version 7.8

  • New
    Added option to generate username with or without country code in phone numbers
  • New
    Line break support in SMS template
  • New
    Shortcode and php code to display native form in any page
  • New
    Option to restrict certain phone numbers from signup
  • New
    Msg91 unicode support
  • Improved
    Oneclick addon will now support phone number validation
  • Improved
    Oneclick addon will also update WC billing phone field
  • Fixed
    TurkeySMS gateway issue
  • Fixed
    Removed deprecated wp_no_robots function
  • Fixed
    select2-full missing

21 June 2021 Version 7.7.2

  • Improved
    Verimor gateway integration
  • Fixed
    Phone number validation
  • Fixed
    Additional Gateways not getting listed in some cases

16 May 2021 Version 7.7.1

  • Improved
    SMSgatewayhub integration with DLT
  • Improved
    Twilio sender ID label renamed
  • Fixed
    Msg91 sender ID for countries other than India
  • Fixed
    Messagebird WhatsApp API not working
  • Fixed
    Checkout processing issue with labsmobile gateway

23 April 2021 - Version 7.7

  • New gateway integration
  • New gateway integration
  • New gateway integration
  • New gateway integration
  • New gateway integration
  • New gateway integration
  • New gateway integration
  • New gateway integration
  • New gateway integration
  • New gateway integration
  • New gaetway integration
  • New gateway integration
  • New gateway integration
  • New gateway integration
  • New gateway integration
  • New gateway integration
  • New
    DLT compatibility with many Indian gateways
  • Improved
    Unifonic URL update
  • Fixed
    Issue with SMSMasivos
  • Fixed
    Autofill WC field setting not working
  • Fixed
    Edit phone number not working with some custom theme profiles
  • Fixed
    Number saving without +

3 March 2021 - Version 7.6

  • New
    OsonSMS gateway integration
  • New gateway integration
  • New gaeway integration
  • New gateway integration
  • New gateway integration
  • New
    One click addon support in shortcodes
  • Improved
    Updated firebasejs
  • Improved
    Improved phone number recognition
  • Improved
    Mims gateway updated
  • Improved
    Better redirection for password reset
  • Improved
    Focus field automatically when modal is opened
  • Improved
  • Fixed
    Issues with SMSMISR gateway
  • Fixed
    Issues with Alfacell gateway
  • Fixed
    Issues with 2factor gateway
  • Fixed
    Issues with SMSIdea gateway
  • Fixed
    Shortcode render bug
  • Fixed
    User getting logged out when clicking on dashboard in some websites
  • Fixed
    Error after entering OTP for registration but user still getting created
  • Fixed
    PHP warning for email filter
  • Fixed
    Blog page conflict with builder
  • Fixed
    Custom redirection not working in builder forms with SMS Passcode
  • Fixed
    Add button color in old account migrator modal

13 January 2021 - Version 7.5

  • New
    Shortcodes to display native forms
  • New integraton for country code detection
  • New
    Autofill WooCommerce fields with signup data
  • New
    Message template is shifted to gateway section for better control
  • Improved
    Improved loading times
  • Improved
    Added sender name in Orange gateway
  • Fixed
    Parts of letter missing in foreign characters
  • Fixed
    Phone number not showing in edit user page in some cases due to conflict
  • Fixed
    Builder warning in ajax
  • Fixed
    Registration message in Oneclick addon

16 December 2020 - Version 7.4.2

  • Improved
    WordPress 5.6 compatibility
  • Fixed
    Agile telecom not working
  • Fixed
    Input mask issue on admin end
  • Fixed
    Phone number issue with 0 for Republic of the Congo Country
  • Fixed
    Color picker crash when using dokan
  • Fixed
    Resend OTP issue

3 November 2020 - Version 7.4.1

  • Fixed
    Valid json string warning

6 October 2020 - Version 7.4

  • New
    Option to overwrite forgot password link
  • New
    Messagebird WhatsApp Gateway
  • New
    Gupshup WhatsApp Gateway
  • New
    Karix WhatsApp Gateway

15 August 2020 - Version 7.3.4

  • Improved
    Logic builder support in WooCommerce checkout
  • Improved
    Color picker in settings
  • Fixed
    Mimsms BD portal gateway not working
  • Fixed
    Social login with some plugins
  • Fixed
    Issues with some frontend create customer plugins
  • Fixed
    Lastname field not coming in popup forms on checkout page
  • Fixed
    Email field not coming in builder when phone field is disabled

29 June 2020 - Version 7.3.3

  • Improved
    Better WC Checkout compatibility
  • Improved
    Frontend performance
  • Improved
    First and Last Name from our signup form are added to billing fields aswell
  • Improved
    Popup compatibility with plugins using transform in body
  • Fixed
    Bug with SMS123 gateway
  • Fixed
    Duplicate fields in WC checkout added by external plugins after page load
  • Fixed
    Invalid OTP message on checkout
  • Fixed
    Phone already in use when using Migrator in checkout

27 May 2020 - Version 7.3.2

  • Improved
    Custom Gateway
  • Improved
    Email Forgot password link will open Digits form if triggred from the sames
  • Fixed
    Custom gateway not working when post data is sent as string
  • Fixed
    Firebase not working in edit account ajax forms
  • Fixed
    Rest API not working when full site locked
  • Fixed
    Rest API not working with Auth providers

10 May 2020 - Version 7.3.1

  • Improved
    RTL support
  • Improved
    Removed deprecated js api from settings
  • Improved
    Digits modal height
  • Fixed
    Issues with some SMS gateways
  • Fixed
    Ultimate Membership Forgot Password
  • Fixed
    UM login with phone starting with 0 not working
  • Fixed
    Dropdown overlapping in settings, rare cases
  • Fixed
    Country code in forgot password field even when phone is turned off
  • Fixed
    Forgot password field lable mismatch
  • Fixed
    My account link not working in builder
  • Fixed
    Rare redirect issues
  • Fixed
    PHP warning when saving post
  • Fixed
    Duplicate AWS class issue

8 April 2020 - Version7.3

  • New
    TxtSync SMS Gateway
  • New SMS Gateway
  • New
    Text style for other text
  • Improved
    Blacklist and whitelist messages
  • Improved
    Country code field will be shown in backend even when its set to hidden
  • Improved
    UX of Ultimate Member
  • Improved
    Ultimate Member field required support
  • Improved
    IUMP compatibility
  • Improved
    Plugin zip size reduced
  • Improved
    Approval Addon Compatibility
  • Improved
    Custom CSS support
  • Fixed
    Country code field with in iOS(Safari)
  • Fixed
    Country code missing in IUMP and UM Phone fields in rare cases
  • Fixed
    Double submit buttons with WhatsApp Gateway in rare cases
  • Fixed
    Hide country code getting enabled without whitelist country
  • Fixed
    Asterix not coming on some fields
  • Fixed
    Sanitize user function conflict issue
  • FIxed
    Custom gateway not working in rare cases
  • Fixed
    Addon settings not coming when site converted to Multisite
  • Fixed
    Primary Page setting not changing native pages
  • Fixed
    Digits Post Type unchecked in elementor setting in some cases
  • Fixed
    Styling issues
  • Fixed
    Registration issues with Rest API

22 March 2020 - Version 7.2

  • New
    Foxglove Connect SMS Gateway
  • New
    Rest API endpoints
  • New
    User Account Approval New Addon
  • Improved
    Rest API response
  • Fixed
    Level 3+ user role not coming in user role selector
  • Fixed
    Checkout lock not working with builder
  • Fixed
    Issues with SmsMisr Gateway
  • Fixed
    Additional fields not getting saved in rare cases
  • Fixed
    Settings not getting saved when WhatsApp template empty

19 February 2020 - Version 7.1

  • New
    Option for label text alignment
  • New
    Option to disable same-origin header
  • New
    Added Payam-Resan SMS gateway
  • New
    Verify Phone button in checkout signup
  • Improved
    Incorrect OTP error with Firebase
  • Improved
    Made sender ID optional for gateways who allow
  • Improved
    Firebase library updated
  • Improved
    WooCommerce checkout experience
  • Improved
    RTL support
  • Improved
    Logic builder
  • Fixed
    Username generation setting not working with page builder
  • Fixed
    Menu styling with Elementor Pro Navigation widget
  • Fixed
    Autofill overlapping labels
  • Fixed
    TargetSMS not working
  • Fixed
    Issues with Cote d'ivoire country blacklist/whitelist
  • Fixed
    WordPress Native Form lost password not working
  • Fixed
    Brower detecting country code as email field
  • Fixed
    Minor sorting issues with custom fields
  • Fixed
    IP based location not working in some cases
  • Fixed
    Pagelock issue with builder

4 February 2020 - Version 7.0.2

  • Improved
    Character encoding support
  • Improved
    "Create User on Order" alerts
  • Fixed
    Account kit login issue
  • Fixed
    Dropdown in WordPress's forgot pass
  • Fixed
    Floating placeholder after hiding country code
  • Fixed
    IP Panel gateway issue
  • Fixed
    Padding after country code hidden
  • Fixed
    Modal scrolling issues in rare cases
  • Fixed
    Form width in One Click Addon
  • Fixed
    Builder pages not working with some permalinks
  • Fixed
    Form logic not working in some cases

27 January 2020 - Version 7.0.1

  • Improved
    Added WooCommercec 3.9 Compatibility
  • Fixed
    Country code dropdown z-index and background issue in mobile
  • Fixed
    Country code field getting hidden for even admin when enabled
  • Fixed
    select2 dropdown issues in some cases
  • Fixed
    Additional slash coming in advance css field
  • Fixed
    WC styling and sort issues in some cases
  • Fixed
    Duplicate phone field WP register page
  • Fixed
    Vertically center align issues in mobile modal
  • Fixed
    Scroll not working in builder pages closing modal in some cases
  • Fixed
    Duplicate modal coming in builder editor when modal is set to default

21 January 2020Version: 7.0

  • New
    Login and Signup Drag and Drop Builder
  • New
    105+ New SMS Gateways
  • New
    Custom SMS Gateway support
  • New
    Forms will use AJAX
  • New
    WhatsApp Business API support
  • New
    Search user with Mobile Number in WP user list
  • New
    Support for Arabic and Persian numbers
  • New
    Settings UI
  • New
    Show custom signup field data in backend even when field is removed
  • New
    Country code dropdown for mobile
  • New
    Forms Secured using same origin header
  • New
    Edit phone number shortcode
  • New
    Easy translations with builder
  • New
    Hungarian translations
  • New
    Message template support
  • New
    Update phone endpoint in Rest API
  • New
    One click addon support in Rest API
  • New
    WhatsApp support for One Click addon
  • New
    Migrator now supports multiple country users
  • New
    Migration using custom country meta key
  • Improved
    Error messages
  • Improved
    Option to rename buttons easily with builder
  • Improved
    Always show country code when field is just for phone
  • Improved
    Frontend and Backend performance
  • Improved
    Changed OTP placeholders for better support
  • Improved
  • Improved
    Dropdown field now has search
  • Improved
    Support for ?redirect_to parameter
  • Improved
    Captcha length
  • Improved
    Password reset button renamed to Submit Password
  • Improved
    /my-account/?action=register redirection if enabled in settings
  • Improved
    Password field being shown in background when submitting OTP in some cases
  • Improved
    Updated email filter list
  • Improved
    Added page scroll lock behind modal in Page lock addon
  • Fixed
    Signup not working with only username and password
  • Fixed
    Username generation from name not working
  • Fixed
    Left padding when country code is hidden
  • Fixed
    Submit button not coming when using signup with password
  • Fixed
    Scroll issue in country code field
  • Fixed
    Asterix not coming in digits forms
  • Fixed
    Select all in digits menu items endpoints
  • Fixed
    Forms not getting updated due conflicts with some themes
  • Fixed
    WC register not working when custom field dropdown is not selected
  • Fixed
    Custom redirect not working in some cases
  • Fixed
    Login not working when login/signup is disabled in one click

19 December 2019Version: 6.12

  • New
    Mobile Phone number field in Users page(backend)
  • New
    One Click support for Rest API
  • New
    Redirections now work for WooCommerce Forms
  • New
    Option to redirect WC /my-account to digits login/signup page
  • Improved
    SMS libraries will only load when needed
  • Improved
    Advance logic addon warnings
  • Improved
  • Improved
    Position of OTP box in WC checkout page
  • Improved
    WC checkout experience
  • Improved
    Plugin Translations
  • Fixed
    Issues with +242 country numbers
  • Fixed
    Remember me in One Click Addon
  • Fixed
    Padding on Old Account Migrator Addon modal
  • Fixed
    Page Lock Addon scroll issues when locking from page setting
  • Fixed
    Forgot password not working in some cases
  • Fixed
    Login with OTP not working on /wp-login.php page
  • Fixed
    verify_otp in Rest API Addon not working for some gateways

26 November 2019Version: 6.11

  • New
    New alert popups
  • New
    Registration Successful message
  • New
    Amazon Pinpoint Gateway
  • New
    Option to change my-account menu link
  • New
    Setting to disable username login
  • New
    Option to exclude pages from Full Site Lock (Addon)
  • Improved
    Optimized zxcvbn.min.js usage
  • Improved
    Compatibility with plugins overwriting WC checkout fields
  • Fixed
    Autofill issue in country code
  • Fixed
    Color picker conflict
  • Fixed
    Yunpian not working for some instances
  • Fixed
    Capital letters in username
  • Fixed
    Back button in seven addon
  • Fixed
    Duplicate fields in WC checkout
  • Fixed
    Removed OR text from checkout
  • Fixed
    Mobile field padding in backend when country code hide was enabled
  • Fixed
    Fields placeholder text going below input box in rare conditions

22 October 2019Version: 6.10

  • New
    Africas Talking SMS Gateway
  • New
    Alibaba (Go China) SMS Gateway
  • New
    IBulkSMS Gateway
  • New
    SendInBlue SMS Gateway
  • New
    Alpha Cell SMS Gateway
  • New
    Infobip SMS Gateway
  • New
    Country code blacklist
  • New
    Option to change mobile phone number formatting
  • Improved
    Phone number formatting
  • Improved
  • Improved
    Mobile field for RTL
  • Improved
    Compatibility with step checkout plugins
  • Improved
    Conflict detector for plugins using same libraries
  • Improved
    Performance & Speed of logic builder addon
  • Fixed
    OR alignment between buttons
  • Fixed
    Username not getting generated from name in WC checkout
  • Fixed
    Cross button missing from logic builder
  • Fixed
    Compatibility issues with Ultimate Member when not using WC
  • Fixed
    User role not working when having special character in its name
  • Fixed
    WC functions conflict with some plugins
  • Fixed
    Mobile number logic not working in some cases
  • Fixed
    Login with OTP redirecting to home page
  • Fixed
    Field validation after sending OTP on WC account page
  • Fixed
    Unable to change display name from frontend

11 August 2019Version: 6.9

  • New
    Multi-Lingual SMS template (with country based addon)
  • New
    Option to generate username from email
  • New
    Amazon SNS (AWS) Gateway
  • New gateway
  • New Gateway
  • New Gateway
  • New
    TargetSMS Gateway
  • New
    Better checkout account creation UX
  • Improved
    Russian translations
  • Improved
    Msg91 API integration
  • Fixed
    Login with OTP button missing in BBPress
  • Fixed
    Duplicate fields in checkout
  • Fixed
    Hide country code setting not showing
  • Fixed
    OTP field missing in buddypress in rare cases
  • Fixed
    Old account migrator add button color
  • Fixed
    Conflicts with plugins using wc_create_user function
  • Fixed
    Ultimate Member not working when mobile number field not added in reg form
  • Fixed
    seven addon having scroll issues on iOS

13 July 2019Version: 6.8.4

  • Improved
    Added link back to homepage on digits login page site logo
  • Improved
    Mobile number accepts pasting number with formatting
  • Fixed
    Input border getting removed when field in focus
  • Fixed
    Empty Firebase API making settings page unresponsive
  • Fixed
    Account kit verification when using Ultimate Member
  • Fixed
    Back button redirecting to login page

11 July 2019Version: 6.8.3

  • Improved
    Firebase API setting supports full script copy paste
  • Improved
    Name field automatically changes to "First Name" when Last Name field is added
  • Improved
    Email field now accepts apostrophe (eg. nam'[email protected])
  • Improved
    OTP field supports copy paste
  • Improved
    Digits menu position in admin panel is not above users
  • Fixed
    Custom fields not getting saved when WC not installed
  • Fixed
    Console warnings
  • Fixed
    WC use of strong password not getting disabled
  • Fixed
    Incorrect preset name coming after saving
  • Fixed
    Errors in WP health page due to curl bug
  • Fixed
    Custom registration fields not coming in default WordPress registration

23 June 2019Version: 6.8.2

  • Improved
    wp-login.php integration is OFF by default
  • Improved
    Addon translation
  • Fixed
    WP Rocket compatibility when using defer js
  • Fixed
    get_current_user_role conflict
  • Fixed
    Addons deactivating on multisite
  • Fixed
    IUMP registration with AccountKit
  • Fixed
    Ultimate Member registration with AccountKit
  • Fixed
    Login with mobile number and password
  • Fixed
    Registration not working with checkbox field
  • Fixed
    Last Name not getting saved in rare cases
  • Fixed
    Conflicts with flatsome theme
  • Fixed
    Submit OTP button text change for Reset Password

25 May 2019Version: 6.8.1

  • Improved
    No password notification on pass change with OTP
  • Fixed
    Depreciated jQuery functions
  • Fixed
    Field sorting not working in wc username & pass
  • Fixed
    Login with mobile number starting with 0
  • Fixed
    Country code in username when user created from checkout
  • Fixed
    UM form account kit mobile check if changed in modal

15 May 2019Version: 6.8

  • New
    Netgsm Gateway
  • New
    Name fields optional in create account backend order page
  • Improved
    Russian translations
  • Improved
    Updated MSG91 API
  • Improved
    Preset slider
  • Improved
    Checkbox color not changing with text color
  • Improved
    Firebase error message on my-account page
  • Improved
    Changed SMS template setting location under Gateway
  • Fixed
    Non translatable strings
  • Fixed
    Login not working in some cases when same mobile and username
  • Fixed
    Guest checkout not working with Merge phone addon
  • Fixed
    Extra profile fields getting deleted when deleting field
  • Fixed
    Country code in username when user created from checkout page

03 May 2019Version: 6.7

  • New
    ADNSMS Gateway
  • New
    WC Marketplace support
  • Improved
    Gateway test response width
  • Improved
    Error message when user click checkout without signup
  • Fixed
    Required field check in checkout before OTP
  • Fixed
    ?> coming in BP form
  • Fixed
    Mobile number verification failed when using merge billing addon
  • Fixed
    Field sorting not working
  • Fixed
    Loading icon not coming on page redirect

20 April 2019Version: 6.6.1

  • Improved
    Username generation options
  • Improved
    Unicode support in nexmo
  • Fixed
    Firebase crashing settings page
  • Fixed
    RTL issue in OTP box
  • Fixed
    Firebase only having 4 digits OTP input
  • Fixed
    Test API button not working
  • Fixed
    Password reset email on new user signup

15 April 2019Version: 6.6

  • New
    Country Based SMS Gateway Addon
  • New
    Forced Login Page Lock Addon
  • New
    Alibaba SMS Gateway
  • New
    Option to hide country code field
  • New
    Remember Me option
  • New
    Chinese translations
  • Fixed
    Submit OTP button hiding when pressing enter
  • Fixed
    WC my account page not ignoring 0 before number
  • Fixed
    Addon update button not working
  • Fixed
    Loading icon missing in account kit modal redirect

10 April 2019Version: 6.5

  • New
    Old Account Migrator Addon
  • New
    Merge Phone Number Addon
  • New
    One Click Login/Signup Addon
  • New
    Additional Fields & Logic Builder Addon
  • New
    Email Filter Addon
  • New
    Full WPML compatibility
  • New
    Admin can save user without required field restriction
  • Improved
    Color picker
  • Improved
    Menu item rendering
  • Improved
    Modal height adaptiveness
  • Fixed
    BP registrations
  • Fixed
    Save button not working when fields position changed
  • Fixed
    Input box rendering when using custom class
  • Fixed
    JS getting corrupted when using captcha
  • Fixed
    Only text of menu item was clickable

28 March 2019Version: 6.4.2

  • Improved
    Account Kit checks for user registration before sending OTP
  • Improved
    Added option to remove /wp-login.php integration
  • Improved
    Default logout redirect set to homepage
  • Fixed
    Errors while adding user from backend
  • Fixed
    Incorrect mobile/email already in use error
  • Fixed
    Login with OTP button coming on wp-login.php even after disabling

15 March 2019Version: 6.4.1

  • Improved
    Arabic translations
  • Improved
    Dutch translation included
  • Improved
    Option to select between modal/popup in Account Kit
  • Improved
    Checkbox in RTL
  • Improved
    RTL button alignment in wp-login.php
  • Fixed
    Label overlapping input in autofill condition
  • Fixed
    Removed option to change OTP size from firebase as they dont allow
  • Fixed
    Username getting prefilled when incorrect mobile login attempt

11 March 2019Version: 6.4

  • New gateway
  • New
    TextLocal gateway
  • New
    Account Kit Popup changed to Modal
  • Improved
    Selected countries UI in settings
  • Improved
    Account Kit error messages
  • Improved
    Blocked page scroll on modal
  • Improved
    /wp-login.php button UI
  • Fixed
    Mobile number fired non WC checkout sort in some websites
  • Fixed
    IUMP signup error
  • Fixed
    Expand button getting disappeared when hiding customizer
  • Fixed
    Account kit not working with IUMP
  • Fixed
    WP redirection issue
  • Fixed
    Duplicate php function on /wp-login.php
  • Fixed
    Loading icon behind modal

15 February 2019Version: 6.3.2

  • Improved
    Compatibility with more login forms
  • Improved
    Modal Scrollbar
  • Improved
    RTL Settings
  • Fixed
    Sometimes no country code coming on page load
  • Fixed
    Sort order when adding new custom fields
  • Fixed
    WooCommerce fields placeholder
  • Fixed
    Modal not closing on iOS devices
  • Fixed
    Migration from customer to vendor in Dokan
  • Fixed
    Field padding on /wp-admin page

08 February 2019Version: 6.3.1

  • Improved
    /wp-admin page UI
  • Improved
    WPTouch compatbility
  • Fixed
    PHP warnings
  • Fixed
  • Fixed
    js issue on login

24 January 2019Version: 6.3

  • New
    WordPress default form compatibility
  • New
    OTP SMS on WhatsApp support from Account Kit
  • New
    bbPress compatibility
  • New
    Option to export/import settings
  • Improved
    Russian translations
  • Improved
    CSS style with some themes
  • Fixed
    Username issue on WC login
  • Fixed
    OTP field input from European keyboards

13 January 2019Version: 6.2.2

  • Improved
    Form style
  • Improved
    Default country code working
  • Improved
    Padding in errors
  • Improved
    Submit OTP will now work with enter
  • Improved
    Scrollbar style for firefox
  • Fixed
    Buttons not working in setting when firebase settings are empty
  • Fixed
    Country code field overlapping mobile number in some themes
  • Fixed
    CSS file 404 error in console

03 January 2019Version: 6.2.1

  • Improved
    Translations now include country names
  • Improved
    Updated Twilio API
  • Improved
    Settings page responsiveness
  • Fixed
    Custom CSS not working
  • Fixed
    OTP input field missing from woocommerce's login page in some themes
  • Fixed
    Color picker library producing error on some websites
  • Fixed
    Mobile padding issue on some iOS devices
  • Fixed
    Settings not getting saved when firebase API were incorrect

22 December 2018Version: 6.2

  • New
    Form fields repositioning
  • Improved
    New IP based location detection system
  • Improved
    Settings page UI
  • Improved
    Plugin registration on subsites is now automatic
  • Fixed
    Duplicate custom fields in add new user backend
  • Fixed
    Extra + symbol on IUMP phone field
  • Fixed
    IUMP registration not working on some websites
  • Fixed
    Login error messages
  • Fixed
    Wrong values being displayed in custom fields in wp profile page

15 December 2018Version: 6.1.1

  • Improved
    Ultimate Membership Pro now uses “Phone Number” field
  • Fixed
    New shortcodes not working
  • Fixed
    Terms and Conditions checkbox UI
  • Fixed
    Email login not working for some websites
  • Fixed
    Account Kit requiring another click after OTP submission
  • Fixed
    UMP not working for some users
  • Fixed
    Invalid email error
  • Fixed
    Incorrect mobile number already in use error
  • Fixed
    Menu items bug

18 November 2018Version: 6.1

  • New
    Option to add captcha in login form
  • New
    Melipayamak SMS Gateway
  • Improved
    Shortcode naming
  • Improved
    Ultimate Member compatibility
  • Fixed
    Login with 0 not working on woocommerce page
  • Fixed
    Some instances facing issues with signup form
  • Fixed
    Incorrect Theophilus preset value
  • Fixed
    Multisite activation Fixeded
  • Fixed
    Registration menu getting disappeared from admin panel
  • Fixed
    Terms and condition checkbox color
  • Fixed
    Email signup without password
  • Fixed
    Captcha not working

13 November 2018Version: 6.0.4

  • Improved
    GeoIP API changed
  • Improved
    Linked logo to homepage
  • Improved
    Plugin will unregister itself on uninstallation
  • Improved
    Changed Activate tab name to Register
  • Fixed
    Login with initial zero not working when using password
  • Fixed
    Add user with mobile number not working with custom admin
  • Fixed
    Both WC and WP emails being sent on registration

3 November 2018Version: 6.0.3

  • Improved
    Timeout in freegeoip
  • Improved
    Localization for country names
  • Improved
    Mobile page UI
  • Improved
    Settings page UI
  • Fixed
    Api settings error message
  • Fixed
    Login not working with space in username
  • Fixed
    Zero not getting ignored in AccountKit
  • Fixed
    Firebase OTP size issue
  • Fixed
    Element close tag
  • Fixed
    Firebase not working in some conditions

25 October 2018Version: 6.0.2

  • Improved
    Firebase SDK updated to latest version
  • Fixed
    Firebase console errors

25 October 2018Version: 6.0.1

  • Fixed
    Duplicate user role selector in add user backend

24 October 2018Version: 6.0

  • New
    Login/Signup page and modal design
  • New
    Settings UI
  • New
    Provision for addons
  • New
    Test API settings
  • New
    Woocommerce/Wordpress fields as custom fields
  • New
    User role selector custom field
  • New
    Kaleyra SMS Gateway
  • New
    Zero before mobile number will be automatically ignored
  • New
    Curl check before plugin is activated to avoid fatal errors
  • New
    Custom registration fields in backend add new user
  • New
    Added new custom fields
  • Improved
    User Interface
  • Improved
    Radiobox, checkbox will use line break
  • Improved
    Hide OTP Size when gateway is firebase or account kit
  • Fixed
    Menu item bug
  • Fixed
    Password change emails being sent on new registration for some websites
  • Fixed
    Custom fields were not getting saved with some particular meta key
  • Fixed
    WC forgot password line after form submission
  • Fixed
    Mobile number not getting saved when adding user from backend
  • Fixed
    Custom field not getting saved when using foreign characters in label
  • Fixed
    Please fill all details when password was disabled for some websites
  • Fixed
    Register with password coming even when disabled for some websites
  • Fixed
    Login not using remember me option when logged in with OTP
  • Fixed
    Register with OTP coming when password disabled

7 August 2018Version: 5.3

  • New
    WC add order can search user with mobile number
  • Improved
    Check user registration before sending OTP
  • Improved
    PHP warnings
  • Improved
    WooCommerce compatibility with latest version
  • Improved
    GDPR compliance with WordPress
  • Fixed
    Custom field required text not changing in backend
  • Fixed
    Save button not working when just changing custom CSS
  • Fixed
    Firebase captcha on custom built page
  • Fixed
    Custom fields padding
  • Fixed
    Firebase integration with some websites
  • Fixed
    Placeholder issues in some themes
  • Fixed
    Forgot Password when OTP is invalid
  • Fixed
    Select color dropdown
  • Fixed
    Dropdown detault value
  • Fixed
    Signup button not coming in rare cases
  • Fixed
    Submit OTP issues in some cases

22 June 2018Version: 5.2.4

  • Improved
    Forgot password email now uses WC link if WC installed
  • Fixed
    Clickatell API not working

20 June 2018Version: 5.2.3

  • Improved
    GDPR Compatibility
  • Improved
    Logout translation added
  • Improved
    Forgot Password
  • Improved
    Changed default OTP size from 4 to 5
  • Improved
    Label setting when using RTL
  • Improved
    WC Compatibility
  • Improved
    Country code support
  • Fixed
    Mobile number field coming in login when its disabled
  • Fixed
    Reseting password using forgot password
  • Fixed
    Registration field error when login with mobile is disabled
  • Fixed
    Admin cannot edit his own mobile number from wp edit user
  • Fixed
    Not more than 1 checkbox value is selected
  • Fixed
    WC checkout was also accepting mail when mob was required
  • Fixed
    Mobily bug
  • Fixed
    Some PHP warnings
  • Fixed
    Login Modal box height
  • Fixed
    Firebase WC checkout not working

25 May 2018Version: 5.2.2

  • Improved
    WP submit button alignment
  • Improved
    Bootstrap framework themes compatibility
  • Improved
    WP username sanitation
  • Improved
    Form re-submission without page refresh
  • Fixed
    Firebase ajax submit issues with other plugins
  • Fixed
    HTML issue in custom fields
  • Fixed
    Invalid email error for domains like .world
  • Fixed
    Mobile number required even when set to option on some websites
  • Fixed
    BuddyPress profile link
  • Fixed
    WC login password field issue in checkout page
  • Fixed
    Mobile number not accepted if larger than 32bit

10 May 2018 – Version: 5.2.1

  • Improved
    Modal login
  • Improved
    Billing supoprt in RTL languages
  • Fixed
    Account kit locale translation issue
  • Fixed
    Signup modal not showing signup with password
  • Fixed
    Label issues on wc my account page
  • Fixed
    Unifonic gateway bug
  • Fixed
    Issue with input fields on mobile with some themes
  • Fixed
    WP user page validation bugs

7 May 2018 – Version: 5.2

  • New
    Unifonic SMS Gateway
  • New
    Persian language translations
  • Improved
    Compatibility with checkout page
  • Improved
    Separated username field in add user page backend
  • Improved
    Changed WC forgot pass description line
  • Improved
  • Fixed
    WC error messages coming in header
  • Fixed
    Mobile number login cache issue
  • Fixed
    Opacity on login modal overlay
  • Fixed
    Firebase verification failed error

29 April 2018 – Version: 5.1.1

  • Fixed
    Error message when mobile number is not entered
  • Fixed
    RTL languages
  • Fixed
    AccountKit not loading issue with unsupported languages
  • Fixed
    Duplicate id dig_nounce warning
  • Fixed
    WC username login sometimes showing invalid password

23 April 2018 – Version: 5.1

  • Improved
    RTL support
  • Improved
    Forgot password compatibility with themes
  • Fixed
    Custom fields required option not updating
  • Fixed
    Facebook Account Kit SDK loading issue
  • Fixed
    Password reset not showing js error
  • Fixed
    Submit button on password reset showing submit OTP
  • Fixed
    Resend OTP Button after verifying OTP

20 April 2018 – Version: 5.0.5

  • Fixed
    BuddyPress registration
  • Fixed
    WooCommerce front-end account details bug

16 April 2018 – Version: 5.0.4

  • Fixed
    PHP Warnings
  • Fixed
    Firebase Signature verification failed error

13 April 2018 – Version: 5.0.3

  • Fixed
    Country code appearing on WooCommerce Email Field
  • Fixed
    Configuration wizard not saving on some websites

13 April 2018 – Version: 5.0.2

  • Improved
    Settings page UI
  • Improved
    Social login plugins compatibility
  • Improved
    Country code input box
  • Fixed
    Signup Button Border
  • Fixed
    Registration issues with some themes
  • Fixed
    Email field hiding on signup page
  • Fixed
    Country code field width on iOS
  • Fixed
    Mobile number always used as username
  • Fixed
    Dropdown css issue
  • Fixed
    Country code appearing in email fields
  • Fixed
    Invalid OTP error on some websites

11 April 2018 – Version: 5.0.1

  • Improved
    WooCommerce Compatibility
  • Fixed
    Custom fields delete button not working
  • Fixed
    Dokan plugin compatibility
  • Fixed
    Error while generating username bug

7 April 2018 – Version: 5.0

  • New
    Custom Fields for forms
  • New
    Google Firebase integration
  • New
    Change OTP resent time
  • New
    Option to disable registration
  • New
    Option to disable OTP
  • New
    Option to use strong password
  • Improved
    Color picker
  • Improved
    Compatibility with themes
  • Fixed
    Mail sending issue on some websites
  • Fixed
    Page not found redirect issue on login page
  • Fixed
    Theme overriding menu buttons
  • Fixed
    IUMP registration bug on some websites
  • Fixed
    Save button not working on some websites
  • Fixed
    Shortcode alignment
  • Fixed
    Log In and Log Out URL issue on some websites
  • Fixed
    Input label
  • Fixed
    Modal and Registration box height
  • Fixed
    Invalid Account Kit ID error
  • Fixed
    Multiple js script localize variables

18 January 2018 – Version: 4.1.10

  • Fixed
    PHP warnings when using WP in debug mode
  • Fixed
    Login Modal Height
  • Fixed
    Cookies already set bug
  • Fixed
    Invalid OTP error on some websites
  • Fixed
  • Fixed
    Resend button alignment on RTL
  • Fixed
    Height for Login Page Modal
  • Fixed
    Compatibility issues with some themes
  • Fixed
    Error message pop-up not dismissing bug
  • Fixed
    Text issues with error message pop-up
  • Fixed
    password invalid bug when clicked on sign-up with password on some websites
  • Improved
    Button will change to Submit OTP after OTP is sent
  • Improved
    Login page alignments
  • Improved
    Login page UI on small screens

15 December 2017 – Version: 4.1.9

  • Fixed
    js error
  • Fixed
    Color change option not working on WordPress customizer

31 November 2017 – Version: 4.1.8

  • Improved
    Registration form alignment
  • Improved
    Added + symbol in billing mobile (for back-end)
  • Improved
    WooCommerce mobile and email field title changed to Billing Mobile and Billing Email
  • Fixed
    Modal box not working in mobile devices
  • Fixed
    Responsiveness for RTL language in mobile
  • Fixed
    Translation bug
  • Fixed : Custom redirect not working on some websites

10 November 2017 – Version: 4.1.7

  • New
    Option to have email as a required field
  • Improved
    WooCommerce forms compatibility
  • Fixed
    Registration button not working properly on WooCommerce forms
  • Fixed
    Translation bug

7 November 2017 – Version: 4.1.6

  • Improved
    Compatibility with themes
  • Fixed SMS not working properly
  • Fixed
    CSS issue with some themes

21 October 2017 – Version: 4.1.5

  • Fixed
    Ajax conflict with other plugins

13 October 2017 – Version: 4.1.4

  • Improved
    WC support on checkout
  • Fixed
    Registration bug on checkout and minor Fixedes

12 October 2017 – Version: 4.1.3

  • Improved
    Multi-site compatibility
  • Fixed
    Default style colors not coming properly
  • Fixed
    WooCommerce user mobile number edit issue
  • Fixed
    WooCommerce registration username bug

10 October 2017 – Version: 4.1.2

  • New
    Option to choose mobile number as username
  • New
    Shortcode for Login, Register and Forgot Password Page
  • Improved
    Login/Signup form alignment in RTL Language websites.
  • Fixed
    WooCommerce billing issue
  • Fixed
    Ultimate Membership Pro country code issue
  • Fixed
    Default preset bug
  • Fixed
    Checkout page user role bug

9 October 2017 – Version: 4.1.1

  • New
    Support for RTL (Right to Left) Languages
  • Improved
    Compatibility with Ultimate Member
  • Fixed
    Forgot password bug when using rest api gateways
  • Fixed
    WooCommerce billing and shipping field country code bug
  • Fixed
    Duplicate Country code bug in WooCommerce billing and shipping mobile

2 October 2017 – Version: 4.1

  • New
    9 New SMS Gateways (Clickatell, Clicksend, ClockworkSMS, MessageBird,, Nexmo, Pilvo, SMSAPI, Yunpian)
  • New
    Msg91 now supports both Transactional and SendOTP routes
  • Improved
    Modal UI
  • Fixed
    WooCommerce Checkout Mobile Field UI bug Fixed
  • Fixed
    Login Box center alignment
  • Fixed
    Modal height with social login icons

14 September 2017 – Version: 4.0.1

  • Fixed
    Preset design bug
  • Fixed
    Ultimate Membership Pro Bug

12 September 2017 – Version: 4.0

  • New
    All new UI
  • New
    Many new features to fully customize login page
  • New
    Login page presets
  • New
    Custom redirect
  • New
    Simple configuration wizard
  • New
    Custom CSS
  • New
    Logout shortcode
  • New
    Social login compatibility in modal login box
  • New
    Compatible with WooCommerce Auto Generate Password
  • Improved
    Login page animation
  • Improved
    Mobile number formatting with country code across all WooCommerce fields
  • Improved
    Notice. Error, Alert popup and boxes
  • Improved
    Compatibility with WooCommerce Username
  • Fixed
    WooCommerce redirect bug
  • Fixed
    jQuery bug Fixed
  • Fixed
    YITH Wishlist compatibility

12 August 2017 – Version: 3.0.3

  • Fixed
    Activation button not working on some websites

26 July 2017 – Version: 3.0.2

  • Fixed
    Translation bug
  • Fixed
    WooCommerce not sending singup email

24 July 2017 – Version: 3.0.1

  • Fixed
    Checkout popup not working sometimes
  • Fixed
    Page refresh when clicking on Signup with OTP

22 July 2017 – Version: 3.0

  • New
    Translation Support
  • New
    Auto-Update, instantly from our servers (No need to wait for codecanyon 2 day review process to get any update)
  • Improved
    Buddypress compatibility
  • Improved
    Ultimate Membership Pro compatibility
  • Fixed
    Registration bug in Russian language
  • Fixed
    WooCommerce forgot password bug, when using email
  • Fixed
    Forgot password confirmation message
  • Fixed
    WooCommerce checkout bug when user is not created
  • Fixed
    WooCommerce css bug Fixeded
  • Fixed
    WordPress add user not working sometimes
  • Fixed
    Account Kit popup not working sometimes

7 July 2017 – Version: 2.2.1

  • Fixed
    WooCommerce checkout

30 June 2017 – Version: 2.2

  • Improved
    Msg91 Sender ID Limit
  • Fixed
    Backend add user mobile field bug

29 June 2017 – Version: 2.1

  • Fixed
    MSG91 signin bug Fixed
  • Fixed
    Account Kit signup bug Fixed

26 June 2017 – Version: 2.0

  • New
    Paid SMS Gateway Support (Twilio and Msg91)
  • New
    Enable/Disable email in signup and login
  • New
    Enable/Disable password in signup and login
  • New
    Option to disable forgot password
  • New
    Account creation on WooCommerce checkout page compatibility
  • New
    Ultimate Membership Pro compatibility
  • New
    WordPress default add new user compatibility
  • New
    Compulsory use of strong password disabled
  • New
    Option to change required fields between mobile number and email on WooCommerce billing page
  • New
    More shortcodes
  • New
    Menu Item Translations
  • Improved
  • Improved
    Signup/Login page UI
  • Improved
    User Interface
  • Improved
    Use of default country code
  • Fixed
    Menu Item UI
  • Fixed
    Country code box
  • Fixed
    Default country code not working in some cases
  • Fixed
    User edit details bug
  • Fixed
    Minor bugs

27 May 2017 – Version: 1.2

  • Fixed
    Configuration options not saving in some circumstances
  • Fixed
    Some other bug Fixedes

14 May 2017 – Version: 1.1

  • New
    Add New User from Admin Bar (Backend)
  • New
    Default Country
  • New
    Whitelisted Countries
  • Fixed
    Redirect after SignUp
  • Fixed
    SignUp page text alignment
  • Fixed
    User-role not being assigned properly

1 May 2017 – Version: 1.0

  • New
    Initial Release